Name Surname, Title 

Emel Hülya Yükseloğlu, Forensic Science Specialist 

Profession : Professor

Area of Work: Forensic Science, Molecular Genetics, Forensic Genetics

Brief Introduction of the Interests/Working Area

My research interests lie in forensic sciences. I am particularly passionate about forensic genetics. I have been a faculty member at Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine since 1993. I have studies on paternity determination, ancestry researchs, forensic DNA analysis, population genetics, forensic sciences, forensic genetics, criminalistics, behavioral genetics, epigenetics, crime scene investigation, standardization and accreditation, crime prevention strategies, sexual crimes, environment and crime, environmental pollution and living organisms. 

Educational Background 

2003 phD: Istanbul University Institute of Legal Medicine

1996 Master’s Degree Istanbul University Institute of Legal Medicine

1992 Bachelor’s Degree:  Middle East Technical University-Biology Department

Work History:

Professor (2021-present)

  • Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine
  • Teach undergraduate and graduate courses.
  • Conduct innovative research.
  • Collaborate with colleagues on interdisciplinary projects.

Associate Professor (2013-2021)

  • Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine
    • Teach undergraduate and graduate courses.
    • Conduct innovative research.
    • Collaborate with colleagues on interdisciplinary projects.

Assistant Professor (2004-2013)

  • Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine
    • Teach undergraduate and graduate courses.
    • Conduct innovative research.
    • Collaborate with colleagues on interdisciplinary projects.

Research Assistant (1993-2004)

  • Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine
    • Assisted in designing experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results.

Role in Epigenetic Coaching: 

I am one of the trainers in Epigenetic Coaching team. I participate in trainings to explain ‘Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) in Epigenetics’ topics. 

I am one of the epigenetic coaches in the team. I participate in the research and development processes of the porsonalised reports. 

I have been a part of epigenetic coaching team since 2021. 

Previous papers/Academic Research

Last 5 researches and papers can be listed here if appropriate 

Last 6 international papers

Eda Kiriş, Dilek Salkım İşlek, Emel Hulya Yükseloğlu, “Determination of solvents in Ballpoint pen ink by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS)” HSOA Journal of Forensic Legal and Investigative Sciences 2023, 9: 082

Serpil DİNÇLER,  Nazli HOLUMEN, Emel Hulya YÜKSELOĞLU, Itır ERKAN “The Effect Of Vıolence Agaınst 112 Emergency Healthcare Personnel On Job Satısfactıon” Int. J. of Health Serv. Res. and Policy (2023) 8(3):222-230

Feyzi ÖZEK, Yunus ADIGÜZEL, Ömer KARATAŞ, Emel Hülya YÜKSELOĞLU, Itır ERKAN“The Effect of Mobbing in Health on Burnout: A Meta Analysis Study” Journal of Medical Sciences 2023, 4(2) 68-76

Emel Hulya Yukseloglu, Fatma Cavus Yonar, Omer Karatas, Gulten Rayimoglu,

Faruk Asicioglu, Elif Canpolat, Onur Ozturk, Itir Erkan  “Population Data and Internal Validation of the 21 Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Turkish Population” Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 55(2), pp 501-512, 2023

Dilek Battal, Emel Hulya Yukseloglu, Fehmi Burak Alkas, Seyhan Sahan Firat. “Pharmacogenomics perspective for forensic toxicology: A mini review” 

 Medicine Science 2022;11(4):1738-44

Irmak Sah,  Emel Hulya Yukseloglu,  Nese Kocabasoglu,  Burcu Bayoglu,  Emre Cirakoglu,  Mujgan Cengiz “The effects of 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms on antisocial personality disorder among criminals in a sample of the Turkish population” (2021) Molecular Biology Reports

Last 5 national papers

Dilek Salkim Islek, Eda Kiris, Omer Karatas, Nazli Holumen, Emel Hulya Yukseloglu “Evaluation of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Applications in the Aspect of Forensic Chemistry” Novel Forensic Research Volume2, Number 2, June 2023

Omer Karatas, Havva Altuncul, Nazli Holumen, Itir Erkan, Dilek Salkim Islek, Emel Hulya Yukseloglu “Mitochondrial DNA (8389-8865 base pairs) Mutation Search in Turkish Population” Novel Forensic Research Volume2, Number 2, June 2023

Dilek Salkim Islek, Fatma Beyza Kula, Eda Kiris, Omer Karatas, Nazlı Holumen, Emel Hulya Yukseloglu “Detection of alcohol use: Guidance of direct biomarker phosphatidylethanol” Novel Forensic Research Volume2, Numbe 1, March 2023

Emel Hulya Yukseloglu, Nazli Holumen, Omer Karatas, Eda Kiris, Dilek Salkim Islek“Identification Methods in Mass Disasters” Novel Forensic Research Volume2, Number 1, March 2023

Buse Sabiha Bozaslan, Emel Hülya Yükseloğlu. “Evaluation of the Effects of Emotional and Violence‑Related Genes in Athletes” The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, Volume 9, Issue 2, April-August 2022

Yukseloglu E.H., “RNA-approached technology applications in forensic genetics”  Novel Forensic Research, Volume1, Number 1, 2022